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8 July 2020
10:00am - 12:00pm
MS Teams

The Real World of Clean Growth Business Funding North

The one thing that has the power to accelerate your green business ambitions more than anything is funding.

Whether it’s crowdfunding, government grants, private equity investment or debt financing, what works for one business might not work for another. How do you decide what’s right for you?

Designed for businesses in our North Hub, this FREE workshop will help you identify the right kind of funding for your business.

With two streams – start-up and next-level growth – you’ll get advice and support that’s tailored to you and delivered by two Clean Growth UK Strategic Advisers. You can submit your funding questions in advance so that they get covered on the day.

The workshop will cover all aspects of business funding, including recent developments related to the Covid-19 crisis.

Work-stream 1: Startup Funding and Seed Capital

Delivered by Clive Bonny of Strategic Management Partners. Clive provides due diligence advice, intellectual property protection and networking support to enable fundraisers to improve their investability.

Work-stream 2: Growth Funding

Delivered by Lawrie Chandler of Edale Investments, an FCA regulated investment business and practitioner that helps firms access growth capital or cash flow improvement.

Run by Clean Growth UK’s North Hub, Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership with St Helens Chamber of Commerce.

How much?


Who’s it for?

This workshop is for Clean Growth UK members only and focused on developing clean and green business innovation. It’s for any SME leader in any sector who wants to do things differently and is developing new clean and green products, services or processes.

The content of this workshop is tailored for businesses across the North of England and led by our North Hub, Liverpool John Moores University.

Join Clean Growth UK here – it’s free!

Anything else?

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