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By joining Clean Growth UK you agree to:

  1. Your company data (e.g. name and contact details) being held on the Clean Growth UK CRM system. This information will be accessible via the CRM to the Clean Growth UK university partners. Find out more about the university partners here
  2. Your overview company details being listed via the online Clean Growth UK Business Directory. No personal data will be listed under this Directory. If you do not want your details to be listed please let us know by emailing 
  3. Take part in the Clean Growth UK monitoring and evaluation process, in order to capture achievements and impact its work has on the business and the economy. This may involve a short online business survey after a specific piece of support and an annual business survey. You may also be asked to participate in a short interview. Business survey data is a requirement of our funder and businesses that do not take part will not be eligible for our support. Recipients of specific support may be invoiced for any free or subsidised support received should they not complete a feedback survey when requested.
  4. Participate in the preparation of case studies about your involvement with Clean Growth UK.
  5. Any reliance which may be placed by you on advice, information or materials provided to you as a member of Clean Growth UK network by the universities or employees, agents, advisers or appointees will be made at your own risk. Neither the universities, nor any employees, agents, advisers nor appointees accept responsibility whatsoever for any use which may be made of such advice, information or materials.

We agree to:

  1. Not share your data with third parties outside the Clean Growth UK university partnership without your prior permission. We hold this data to ensure we: meet our funders’ contractual requirements; can contact you with regards to business and innovation support we offer; ask you for feedback on our support to help measure the impact of Clean Growth UK and improve our support.
  2. As a member of the Clean Growth UK network, we will contact you by e-newsletter, direct email, post or telephone with news and opportunities relevant to clean and green business innovation. You can opt out of these communications at any time.
  3. Advise you that funding and support drawn down via university partners of the Clean Growth UK network may be subject to the de minimis aid regulation. Under articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union Commission Regulation EC 1998/2006 (de minimis aid regulation), there is a ceiling of €200,000 for all de minimis aid provided to any one business over a 3-year period. If Clean Growth UK provides you with support we will contact you with further information about State Aid. More information can be found on the GOV.UK website
  4. Advise you that if your company is planning to apply for research and development tax credits you should seek professional tax advice as to how state aid may impact upon any such claim.
  5. Cancel your membership of the Clean Growth UK network at any time. Let us know by emailing Companies that go out of business or cancel their membership, will be marked as “withdrawn from membership” on the Clean Growth CRM and not be contacted. However, your company data will still be included in our funder’s KPI statistics until April 2023 and for auditing purposes. Thereafter your data anonymised.

Additional information for businesses that have signed up to join the Green Growth Platform

Green Growth Platform member businesses were notified by email on 24th May 2018 that their Terms and Conditions had been updated to reflect additional business membership of the Clean Growth UK network as well as the Green Growth Platform.

These Terms and Conditions reflect that members’ company data will now be held by Clean Growth UK and its immediate partners. Wider membership of the Clean Growth UK network can benefit your business by giving you access to a wider pool of connections, opportunities and support for your business innovation and growth plans. However if you have any concerns or questions about this please contact the Green Growth Platform via email or call 01273 641949.

Privacy policy

The University of Brighton via the Green Growth Platform is lead partner of the Clean Growth UK network, further details about our use of data can be found here.