Business repair cafe - free coaching session for green businesses
Are you stuck with a business problem or roadblock? Overwhelmed by market conditions?
Book a 45-minute 1:1 session with one of our experienced green business coaches to help you navigate your challenges.
This free coaching session will help you get clear on your next steps to create a thriving, more sustainable enterprise.
You’ll get a different perspective on your business by talking through any issues or problems with an impartial and confidential coach. Using a structured format, coaching can help you get clear on what’s happening and what you can do in response. A coach does not have the answer, but they do have a process to help you find it.
Working with a business coach can:
- Help you see your blind spots and improve your performance.
- Serve as your compass and help you are head in the right direction.
- Close your knowledge gaps and help you learn new skills.
- Help you craft a business plan and a marketing strategy.
Use this Calendly link to arrange a 1-2-1 meeting slot during July: