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29 April 2022
10:00am - 12:30pm

The Future of Energy

Sustainable energy sits at the heart of the drive for net-zero. What does the future hold for energy systems in the UK, and can we make it to net-zero by 2050?

Join us for lively debate and discussion from academics, energy professionals, businesses and policy experts.


Speakers will include:

Welcome and Introduction from Clean Growth UK

Tony Seasman, Liverpool John Moores University and Clean Growth UK.

In Conversation with the HFCA – Is Hydrogen the fuel of the future?

Celia Greaves, CEO of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association discusses the hydrogen economy and its key role in shaping the future of energy.

In Conversation: Can the UK reach Net Zero by 2050?

Marie Claire Brisbois, Co-Director of the Sussex Energy Group in conversation with our event host on whether the UK can transition to net zero carbon by 2050.

In Conversation with: Fuel Poverty

Lee Towers, University of Brighton, explores how local action/community energy can increase energy justice during a transition in the UK.

In Conversation: Energy generation and innovations

Stephanie Mann, Innovation Manager at Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, will be exploring energy generation and innovation.

In Conversation: Tidal Energy

Oliver Wragg, commercial director at Orbital Marine Power.

Closing remarks from Clean Growth UK